Thursday, March 5, 2009

Too Much to Feel

The smell of the spices coming from Ali's cooking in the kitchen.
The sight of the smoke curling up under the crack of the door of Baba's study.
The taste of naan and kofta, for breakfast.
The sound of Hassan clearing up my room, so that it is neat when I come home from school.
The feeling of the scrapes and scratches me and Hassan get from climbing the tree in the backyard.

Baba's thoughts of disappointment in me, when I cry when I fall.
His everlasting love for my servant/friend, Hassan.
Hassan's overwhelming loyalty, in the face of anything.
My shame, for taking his loyalty too far.
--Map Poem


  1. I like your first stanza, but I want more. What spices am I smelling? What do they smell like? What does nann taste like? What does kofa taste like?
    I love the idea of shame and loyaly in stanza two. powerful emotions.

  2. I liked this poem a lot but like stein said I think it could have been a little more descriptive. I also didn't read your book so it's kind of hard for me to relate to this but overall I thought it was good

  3. I like your drawing. It looks precise and neat. I like how the first stanza shows what is going on around the house and how the second stanza tells us what is going on inside the head of the character. It is contrasting because the first stanza seems joyful and the second one brings out the hidden darkness.

  4. You're drawing is very good. The poem is pretty good too. I like how you talk about loyalty and friendship. I really like the line "Hassan's overwhelming loyalty, in the face of anything," which shows idea of loyalty.

  5. I don't know how the breakfast tastes like, but you gives all the feelings that the character can get. And I like your drawing, it helps me understand the poem.
